Steamed Cod

清蒸鳕鱼qīng zhēng xuě yú


1 cod (or salmon or Chilean sea bass) steak or filet

6 slices ginger

2 green onions

(optional) 1 hot pepper

3 tsp light soy sauce

1/2 tsp Sichuan peppercorn

1 tbsp sesame oil

1 tsp Chinese cooking wine

3 tbsp cold water

Prep Ingredients

  1. You can use cod, salmon, or sea bass steaks or filets for this dish. Whatever fish you use, thaw completely, wash, and scale (if using sea bass).

  2. Wash and trim the green onions, and then cut into thirds.

  3. Slice each green onion third into halves lengthwise. If it's the white section of the green onion, peel apart the halves.

  4. Slice ginger into about 2 tbsp of long strips.

  5. (optional) Cut the hot peppers into thin slices.

Steam Fish

  1. Arrange the cleaned fish in a shallow bowl that will fit in either your steamer or a large pan.

  2. If you have a steamer, use that. If you don't, find a pan + lid big enough to hold your shallow bowl.

  3. (if using a steamer) Fill the steamer with cold water so that the water level is about an inch below where your bowl will go. Place the fish in the steamer and cover with a lid.

  4. (if using a pan) Place the fish in the pan and fill the pan about halfway with cold water. Cover with a lid.

  5. Heat the steamer / pan over medium-high heat and steam for 15 minutes.

  6. Turn off the heat and let cool for 2-3 minutes.

  7. Use a spoon to scoop out all the soup that is now in the fish bowl.

  8. Drizzle 1 tsp light soy sauce on top of the fish.

  9. Sprinkle a pinch of salt on top as well.

  10. Spread the ginger on top of the fish.

  11. Spread the green onion pieces on top of the ginger.

Make the Sizzling Sauce

  1. Get a saucepan and lid that are completely dry. This sizzling sauce is amazingly delicious, but if the pan you use is wet, the hot oil may pop out at you.

  2. Heat the saucepan over medium-high heat.

  3. Add sesame oil and Sichuan peppercorns and cover with a lid.

  4. Fry for 1 minute.

  5. Turn off the heat and let stand for 1 minute.

  6. Drizzle the sizzling oil on top of the fish dish.

Make the Soup Sauce

  1. Use the same saucepan (without rinsing) and add 2 tsp light soy sauce, Chinese cooking wine, a pinch of salt, the (optional) hot pepper slices, and 3 tbsp cold water.

  2. Heat the saucepan over medium-high heat.

  3. Once it boils, turn off the heat and drizzle sauce over the fish.

  4. Use a fork or chopsticks to remove the peppercorns from the dish and serve!